
Two Rieders in the world

[multi-language] Two Rieders in the worldList of offenders to possess 2018.4.18. = Two Rieders in the world = ●Irish - which lives in addition to Japan and which hates Irish people ●The Shiga residents who live in the border between Shiga …

An dark contract

[multi-language] An dark contractAn dark contract. Let's make it not contract with yuukyu. Moreover, let's learn the attack method to yuukyu. There are harmful some in i-system. I call it yuu-system. yuu-system consists of yuukyu and yuuta…

The popular counterattack method and public relations

[multi-language]はやりの反撃方法&Headsの方への広報〇声を出さずに、ビブラート〇飴を喉の奥で舐める(感じ) 現在、Nature-Telepacistを中心として、敵Tailsからballを入れられるのを防ぐために、味方Headsの日本人にI-Modukeが入っています。Headsの皆…

The popular counterattack method and public relations

[multi-language] O método de contra-ataque popular e relações públicas para o sócio de Cabeças.O levem a cabo um vibrato, sem proferir voz.O levem a cabo toque que lambe um doce atrás a de uma garganta. Agora, para que muitas pessoas de Na…